Love is one of the highest human feelings, and the most influential in the heart, it gives life greater value, and adorns the world in the eye of the beloved and beloved at the same time, in which the disadvantages turn to pros, and you can know the love of the person through certain signs appear in body language, The article will mention the signs of love in body language.
the looks
Look is a way of looking at the signs through which to know whether the person liked you or not, when there is direct contact with the eye, and a great concentration in consideration, it means that the other has a lot to tell you even if not aware of it, who wanted to come closer to First, look at her eyes directly, and wait to see what direction she will look at. If she looks at her aside, it indicates that she is unsure of her desire to be in touch with you, and looking for someone else to look for. If you look down, that indicates femininity and respect, , Smiled smiled directly to her, and apply this information T men too.
The size of the eye
The size of the eye is one of the important signs through which to draw the admiration of someone else, whether male or female, if the pupil is small, it means that the person does not admire you, but if the pupil is large, that means admiration of the other party.
The position
The position of the person can be detected by the position of the shoulders and feet, when the person is loving you, it means that he is interested in you, and when there are many people in the same place, there will be a clear interest, so you move around the place to see the truth, if The person who loves you will create a triangle between your body and body to prevent anyone else from contacting you.
The rubbing of the hands or ears
The rubbing of the hands or ears is one of the most important signs of admiration for the other. This is evidence of increased heart rate due to exposure to a situation of anxiety and tension within the soul, where the person in this case to hide his feelings, and calm, and these moments of the most difficult moments on the person, where Have a lot to say, but can not because of stress and anxiety.
The movement of the fingers
The movement of the fingers indicates the movements of the fingers to the extent of admiration of the other person, if he taps the cup in front of him, or touches his hair a lot that is evidence of attraction and attention.
The tilt of the head
The tilt of the head is one of the most important signs of a man's love for a woman with his head set aside and speaking in a quiet, barely audible voice, as if trying to express his feelings toward the woman, but he is ashamed to reveal it.