With the increasing number of people infected with Coronavirus, millions of people around the world are worried about fear of this disease, and are waiting to know how to prevent it.
In this context, Dr. Ghalia Al-Mutairi, Head of the Information Office at the Ministry of Health: “It is normal for you to feel sad, anxious and afraid during crises. But you must deal with this matter appropriately, without inflating or making yourself or others fear. ”She advised to follow some steps to reduce feelings of stress and fear, including:
• To increase your feeling of reassurance and safety, talk to people you trust that they can help you when needed, such as family And friends.
• It is important to maintain your health in general, and the strength of the immune system in particular, by following healthy habits, such as proper nutrition (eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grain products and milk, with the need to reduce fast, processed and sugary foods). You should also take enough sleep and exercise lightly.
• Enhance positive energy through hobbies, relaxation exercises, and social contact with family and friends. Avoid smoking and other unhealthy habits that increase stress.
• Every new thing is surrounded by mystery and making it extremely frightening. So educate yourself and learn the facts about the disease and the health procedures that must be followed when needed, from reliable official sources, such as the Ministry of Health or the World Health Organization. Reduce stress by not hearing or believing rumors and information of unknown source, and even those released by people who are not authorized to declare them, and rely on information published by reliable sources (Ministry of Health and WHO).
• Take advantage of free time by creating a daily schedule that includes practicing hobbies and useful work, whether alone or with family members.